American educator and agricultural expert who helped organize Sapporo Agricultural School, later Hokkaido University, in Japan. He also stimulated the development of a Christian movement in Japan.

Clark lined up his 16 students and announced firmly: “It is my intention to awake a lofty ambition in you, and to turn you into gentlemen and Christians, so that you may control your appetites and passions and thus conquer the sin of self.” When the fiery Clark left for Massachusetts, he gave his students a ringing injunction: “Boys, be ambitious!”

An unlikely gimcrack that for years has been the hottest-selling art object in Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost big island, is the small plaster bust (price: $1) of a stern-faced New England schoolmaster who died in 1887. William Smith Clark stayed only eight months on Hokkaido, but the visit, in 1876, was long enough for him to be enshrined by the islanders as something between seer and saint.

* 엊저녁 예찬과 나누었듯이, 선생님께 배우는 것은, 마음 자세이다. ‘야망’이란 번역은 오독이다. “거룩한 열망을 품어라.”