0. 역사의 고찰 가운데 각 시대의 문제의식을 근원적으로 대면한 고전의 성과를 교육학적 안목에서 재조명하고 도야의 과정 속에 배치한다. 이를 견인할 준거는 다음에 빚진다.

1. Jonn Owen(1616~1683): 1)On Indwelling Sin in Believers, 2)On Temptation, 3)On the Mortification of Sin

2. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones(1899~1981): 1)Great Doctrines of the Bible 2)Revival: Can we make it happen? 3)Faith On Trial: Studies in Psalm 73

3. Jim Wallis(1948~): 1)The Call to Conversion: Why Faith is always Personal but never Private 2)The Great Awakening: Reviving Faith and Politics in a Post-Religious Right America 3)God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It