Archive for March 6th, 2015

March 6, 2015: 12:31 pm: bluemosesErudition

The first marriage gap occurred between 1880 and 1910, during a period that Mark Twain labeled the Gilded Age.

In the past few decades, a period that some are calling the New Gilded Age, inequality has been high and rising again. 

: 12:13 pm: bluemosesErudition

On what’s wrong with college admissions

The problem with college admissions is that colleges don’t really know that much about students. All they kind of have to go on is an SAT [or ACT] score, which is kind of a blunt instrument … a high school transcript, which is sort of hard to figure out, [and] maybe a personal essay, who knows who wrote the personal essay. So they tend to fall back on, “Is this person a legacy? Did they go to a ‘good high school?’” Well, everyone figures out where “good high schools” are and people pay a lot of money in tuition if it’s a private high school, or in the real estate market to buy a house near the good high school. And so again the opportunities for students to go to particularly elite colleges that are often the stepping stone toward the best jobs in government or business are in many ways constricted to a narrow band of people.

: 11:42 am: bluemosesErudition

“아름답고 풍요로운 우크라이나의 도시들에서는 갓 구운 빵 냄새가 났다.”

“2차대전 초기 프랑스 총리를 지낸 프랑스의 좌파 정치가 에두아르 달라디에가 1933년 우크라이나를 방문하고 돌아와 한 말이다. 당시 우크라이나에서는 농업집단화에 저항하는 농민을 분쇄하기 위해 스탈린이 기획한 관제기아(官製飢餓)로 사람들이 떼죽음을 당하고 있었다. 그 수는 250만~350만 명에 달했다.”

: 11:40 am: bluemosesErudition

“보충 의견을 보면, 통합진보당의 주장을 객관적으로 평가하는 사람을 레닌의 말을 인용해 ‘쓸모 있는 바보들’이라고 했죠.”(김선수)