Archive for March 16th, 2012

March 16, 2012: 1:27 pm: bluemosesErudition

“우리나라 사교육 시장은 지난해 기준으로 40조 4313억원에 이른다. 월 평균 사교육비는 유치원생 29만 1500원, 초등학생 42만 8000원, 중학생 56만 8200원, 고등학생 65만 9500원이다. … OECD 회원국 중고등학생들 대상으로 청소년 행복지수를 조사했더니 우리나라는 삶에 만족하느냐는 질문에 53.9%만 그렇다고 답변했다. 네덜란드는 94.2%, 핀란드는 91.6%, 전체 평균은 84.8%였다.”

: 1:04 pm: bluemosesErudition

Continuous Quality Improvement

: 11:41 am: bluemosesErudition

“최소한 지각 의식은 사물과 환경에 대한 일종의 능숙한 조정이다. … 언어, 도구, 집단적 관습들이 우리를 현재의 우리로 만든다.”

* Alva Noë(2009), 「Out Of Our Heart」

: 11:16 am: bluemosesErudition

Luke 16:13-15 NIV

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus. He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.

: 1:51 am: bluemosesErudition

All the roads we travel started with the first step of a pioneer, then by countless others utilizing, appreciating and extending the roads. In the same way, all knowledge, technology, art, literature, music, science and everything else, even our genetices, are summations of everything that has existed on this planet. These creations are beautiful.

When I learn, I exprience the same thought processes, the same excitement of discovery, and the same emotions and drama experienced by the first pioneers and all who followed. And so much more beauty is yet to be created or discovered and appreciated, learned.

I am also very fulfilled in thought, when my mind searches and analyzes, striving to learn, for truth and beauty unknown to me. One can define learing as living for truth and for the betterment of human life.

For us to be good learners, then, we must be humble and open-minded in our attitudes. Pride prevents learning: who can fully appreciate the truth whose mind is closed? We must appreciate, enjoy, believe whole-heartedly.

If we are beings combined from physical matter and something higher, learning surely enriches our higher self. Even if we do not persist in time, we can still remain forever in what we do here, now. The steps I make on this earth will extend existing roads of knowledge so that others can pass later. Perhaps I may forge a new road for others to enjoy. Though my name may not be written on the new road, my steps, my small contributions, will be engraved there forever, for others to learn.

* 쇼 야노가 열세 살이던 2004년 보잉사에 써낸 에세이