Archive for June 30th, 2012

June 30, 2012: 8:05 pm: bluemosesErudition

공부를 게을리 하였다. 출력을 전제로 입력하지 않았고, 배운 것을 되새기지 않았다.

: 7:56 pm: bluemosesErudition

Vacation Bible School(2012. 7. 28~29, 8. 5)

: 6:50 pm: bluemosesErudition

파이디온은 “헬라어로 어린이를 뜻합니다. 파이디온 선교회는 온 세상 다음 세대를 하나님의 말씀 위에 세우기 위해 일하고 있습니다.”

* 초등학교 시절, 은유와 의원을 이곳에 보내는 것을 검토하자.

: 6:28 pm: bluemosesErudition

“World Education Services (WES) is a nonprofit organization that provides credential evaluations for international students and immigrants planning to continue their studies or work in the U.S. and Canada.”

“Automated International Credential Evaluation System (AICES): A customized database developed by WES to evaluate academic credentials; contains information on the education systems of 217 countries, 36,969 foreign institutions, 18,288 academic credentials, and 2,498 grading scales.”

: 5:47 pm: bluemosesErudition

“Talent Plus describes talent as a person’s capacity to achieve near perfect performance. Our research shows that selection based on talent results in better, happier workers, which means lower turnover, greater productivity and a healthier bottom line. When employees are cast in the right roles, it enhances job satisfaction and helps the best performers become even better – building a Talent-Based Organization.”

“The Quality Selection Process® includes Talent Plus’ proprietary interview technology, which identifies people who have significant potential to be successful in a particular industry or profession and in a particular workplace and/or culture. … The Human Capital Balance Sheet® makes it clear that while skills and experience can be increased over time, talent for a role is natural and, therefore, is the reliable predictor of performance excellence. Client companies can use the Human Capital Balance Sheet® to assess whether they are currently selecting ‘right’ and growing ‘north’.”

: 5:24 pm: bluemosesErudition

“More than 98 percent of all DNA, was called “Junk DNA” by molecular biologists, because they were unable to ascribe any function to it. They assumed that it was just ‘molecular garbage’. If it were ‘junk’, the sequence of the ’syllables’, i.e. the nucleotides in DNA should be completely random.”

“they may be a key force for the development of new species during evolution. … this DNA may be essential for increasing the plasticity of the hereditary substance.”

: 4:57 pm: bluemosesErudition

1. 디자인이 기능에 앞선다. 내용에 맞춘 형식이 아니라, 태도에 의거한 정신이 학습이다.

2. 속내를 헤아릴 때 권위가 두터워진다. 상호 존중이 관영한 우리의 심성을 이루어가자.

: 2:36 pm: bluemosesErudition

UN 산하 UPF(Universal Peace Federation : 종교통합기구, 의장 문현진)

* 통일교 회당 금신상 : 공자, 석가, 예수, 코란

: 2:25 pm: bluemosesErudition

2012 여름성경학교 교사 강습회(중앙기독초교, 12. 6. 30)

1. 1 page 1 Slide (Story + Image)

2. 척추가 틀어진 열심

3. 성서 개관 : 영적 골다공증 치유

4. 노예선 포주의 경건한 일상

5. 베드로 : 왕, 사랑, 순종, 당당

6. “내 진정 소원은 내 구주를 더욱 사랑 더욱 사랑”

7. 쾌락 사랑에서 돌이켜 고치다(딤후3:4~5)

* 나의 꿈과 행복의 훼손을 우려하는 경외와 그럼에도 탐닉하는 무질서한 혼음, 죄악의 회칠

: 12:54 pm: bluemosesErudition

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