Archive for August 8th, 2010

August 8, 2010: 11:15 am: bluemosesErudition

“Terry Eagleton is not prepared to come out as a Christian. Yet his most recent book shows he is closer to Christianity than Marxism. … This is confirmed later on, when he notes that Dawkins and Hitchens have no use for such embarrassingly old-fashioned ideas as depravity and redemption. Even after Auschwitz there is nothing in their view to be redeemed from.” “He concludes that the key blindness of Dawkins and Hitchens is their refusal to see that true humanism must have a ‘tragic’ dimension: Tragic humanism, whether in its socialist, Christian, or psychoanalytic varieties, holds that only by a process of self-dispossession and radical remaking can humanity come into its own.”

_ This begs big questions: what sort of ‘process’ is adequate?

: 10:58 am: bluemosesErudition

학업과 어학을 동시에 향상시키는 한 방편으로 아래 웹사이트에서 서평을 하나씩 선정하여 매일두 편을 필사한다.

1. London Review of Books(

2. Guardian Unlimited Books (